As I was leaving my house for the airport, I looked up to see this:

It was a really busy conference. Lots of brain work, and not much time to explore. But I got to start each day with this view:

The blog of Kaleidoscope Yarns in Essex Junction, Vermont.
We thought her sweater was so cute, that we're planning to order the pattern to sell here at the shop. And for all you Wonderful Wallabee fans, stay tuned. That, and a few others are coming too! Thanks for sharing Karen, and for giving us the chance to add to our pattern offering!
I was nearing the home stretch last night, and was working the seams. Look what I found when I got to the bottom!
OOPS! I can now add a final change to this pattern:
6. Cutting the bottom edge off, and re-knitting the bottom back ribbing, cuz, well... clearly I can't count.
Hey, we all screw up!