The blog of Kaleidoscope Yarns in Essex Junction, Vermont.
She chose the Nolicare cardigan from Berroco Book 285: Linen Picnic. It's really cute and I was excited to knit it for her. Liz didn't like the feel of the Berroco Linen Jeans and thought the colors were a bit too mature for her (she's 14.) So we ended up with the Tahki Cotton Classic in white. (I'm glad this yarn is washable!)
I worked on my gauge swatch that weekend. Liz saw the swatch I knit and asked if her sweater would be ready the next day. Now I know I knit fast... but really! She was so eager to wear this sweater.
I knit the back until about half-way up the armhole. I held it up to her for size, and she wasn't happy with the length. I could tell by her tone that even though she said "It's okay mom," that wasn't at all what she meant. So I ripped out about 10" of knitting. The only benefits of her wanting it shorter was that the fronts took less time to knit.