The drive is not an easy one, so not much knitting gets done on the trip. Route 2 is curvy, hilly, and bumpy for the most part, and knitting in the car on route 2 has been most problematic in the past. And then the weather was amazing, and knitting and swimming do not go hand in hand, either. But I was able to squeek out the bolero:

And I did make some progress on the Malabrigo Chunky vest:

This is what we mostly did!

My rug hooking project (the checkboard) has come to a halt with all the new yarns we've been getting in. (Two more came today, Colinette Iona and J.Knits Felter's Dream.) So instead of a birthday gift for Helen and Sophie, it's looking more like a Christmas present. That's okay! I really like it, and I will take it to Maine in August and make some progress at that point.