Monday, March 29, 2010

Savannah and spring shawls

Sorry for the blog being a bit quiet last week, but I was attending a conference in Savannah, GA for 3 days. What a gorgeous city! I left warm temps in VT for warm southern temps and lots of good southern cooking... I'm still working it off!

As I was leaving my house for the airport, I looked up to see this:Apparently my cats read that blog post, and are now quite at home jumping up onto my new "blocking station" to check things out. Drat. Some things are better left unsaid.

It was a really busy conference. Lots of brain work, and not much time to explore. But I got to start each day with this view: And I did manage to sneak in about an hour of exploring the city. I loved the architecture. Each time I turned a corner I found more to like.I'd love to be able to walk down this street every day!I did take some trip knitting. (Which only happened on the flights down and back though.) I started the Citron shawlette out of Manos del Uruguay Serena. I'm using the Wildflowers colorway. The pattern is easy and free (Knitty Winter 2009) and I plan to do at least one (possibly two) extra repeats. I'm taking a trip with Marc and the girls in June, and this will be just perfect for it...


  1. Hey Jill...

    Try laying sheets of aluminum foil on the "drying station" - cats don't like the feel of it under their feet (especially if you wrinkle it up a little bit so it's crinkly when they walk on it) and they'll avoid it... then they'll learn to stay off of your drying station!

    My mom did this with the "nice" living room sofa to train our cat to stay off of it when I was a kid... it sometimes took a few weeks, but it worked!

  2. Welcome home, Jill!

    Thanks for sharing the pix from your trip. And the rascally puss - did you really think she wouldn't figure it out? ;-)

    Oh, and just faved Bellambie - I'm generally not fond of summer knit tops, but I'm quite keen on this one!
