Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Resolutions Anyone?

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend. We've been talking about our resolutions today, and thought we'd share our craft related ones with you.

Barb: To finish a project before starting another one.

Chrissy: To spend more time with her "other" fiber related hobbies (spinning, learning to weave, etc.)

Michele: Finish at least one of the two sweaters (for herself) that she has yarn for. (She knits a lot for her husband and sons, and not enough for herself!)

Shawn: To finish her Noro Mitered Square Blanket (that she hasn't touched for 6 months)

Jill: To experiment with Finnish paper yarns and find some really neat projects that we can do with them here at the shop.

We also have some non craft related resolutions (in random order!):
  • Continuing to keep each day in perspective
  • Finishing home renovations
  • Running a half marathon
  • Be more adventurous in cooking
  • Paying off a car loan
What are your resolutions?

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