Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A little housekeeping for Charity

Some updates on some recent charity items...

Yesterday was a feel good day! We sent a check to the Vermont Foodbank for over $3,600. We pledged 25% of our sales over a several day period to the Vermont Foodbank, and we're really proud of our efforts, and of your support. 

We were so touched by the kind emails and letters we received. It's really clear that the beautiful state we live in has also touched many of you in one way or another. We know the Vermont Foodbank has always done great work, and now they're working even harder than ever to make sure that Irene-affected Vermonters don't go hungry. They are doing a great job, but contributions certainly help them.

And last week, a pattern designer named Suzy Allen-Wuttke from Long Island contacted us after she heard we were donating a portion of our sales to the Vermont Foodbank. She very graciously offered to design a pattern for us to sell to our customers, if we'd donate 100% of the proceeds to the Vermont Disaster Relief Fund. This pattern is going to be available online in the next day or so (sorry! I've been hit with my first bad cold of the season here in Finland... yes, it's FALL already here and that means sickness!) Anyway, it's a great pattern and we are really excited to be able to give back in this way. Thanks Suzy!

And finally... preemie hats! Yes, we are still running our preemie hat contest and drive and we are accepting preemie hats through the end of September. We've had a bit of a slowdown in the preemie hat donations... I think that Irene had a bit to do with that. But it's not too late to whip one (or two!) up. For more information please read this.

Thanks again, we're proud to be here for all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Hey, Jill . . . hope you're feeling better soon. Just a wee boost: I dropped off 11 preemie/newbie hats at the shop yesterday. Let's keep that drive going!! (Of course, any hats you want to donate to other Vermonters is fine with me. As I write I'm at work on some hats and mitts for those who'll still be in need this winter.
