So remember a couple of weeks ago I spotted my first yarn bombing here in Tampere? Well, I know that there are many more of these throughout the city... just take a look at the map that shows them all. But instead of studying the map, and then actively going out and trying to find these little "signs" I decided it would be much more fun to NOT look for them. And to see when (and if) I spot any more.
The other night we were walking home from downtown, through the Laukontori Market which is a few hundred yards from our apartment. By day it's a bustling area with food stands selling local sausages and ice cream cones, and farm vendors selling the most delicious strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peas, mushrooms, potatoes and more. There are also several large boats there that ferry people out and around the lake. At night it quiets down. And that was when we found it.
By "we" I mean Helen. She noticed it and and grabbed me to check it out. Now this one is even closer to our apartment, and I think in the past month we have walked by it at least 60 times. It's on a bench and usually there are people sitting on the bench. The other night, it was later, and the bench was empty. And there it was!
It's called Lovely Summer Market and it's from June 2010. It still looks pretty good in my opinion.
And it got me thinking... wouldn't it be great to use your swatches like this? You know how we always recommend that you swatch before you start your project? Yarn bombing doesn't always have to be on such a huge scale. I think small ones have their place too!
Great idea about bombing with your swatches. I like it!