Sunday, November 28, 2010

Flying Knitting needles (aka Airplane Knitting)

Well, your knitting needles SHOULD be flying at this time of the year, if you want to get all that holiday knitting finished. But this is really about taking knitting needles on airplanes...

Holiday season is here! For many people that means travel. While some people cringe at the thought of hours spent waiting for flights, layovers, or long car rides... knitters know these things aren't really to be dreaded as long waits. In fact knitters sometimes look FORWARD to these aspects of travel because it means MORE knitting!

We often get asked in the shop what to do to make sure that you can knit on the plane. In most cases knitting is allowed on planes and in areas of the airport past security checkpoints. Of course we always advise that you look up the current TSA rules before you bundle all your favorite needles and notions into your bag. While most knitting supplies are acceptable, these things can change at any time.

Sure, circular needles made from bamboo seem much safer than long metal straight needles and may help your cause. Your KnitKit that holds many notions is TSA compliant. BUT the folks who check your bags and carry-ons do have the final say on what you can and cannot have on the plane.

Our best advice? Be sure to take along a self-addressed padded envelope with postage already on it in your knitting bag. In the event that your friendly TSA agent decides any of your knitting tools are not going with you on your trip, you can use this envelope to spare them from the trash. You may miss out on a bit of knitting time and this could be frustrating, but at least there won't be tears of regret over the loss of those of antique embriodery scissors that your great aunt left to you.

And for the final word, please, if you are driving somewhere and planning to knit along the way, make sure you have someone else who will be operating the vehicle!

Happy travel knitting!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I was pleasantly surprised to make it though security with my size 2 9" metal dpn's...guess I didn't need that tiny circular needle afterall! Alas, it gives me something new to play with.
