Monday, October 26, 2009

Let's accessorize!

So whether you are panicking about H1N1 or not, there's a lot of sickness going around in our area. H1N1 is the talk of the town. Conversations have been focusing on numbers... how many students are out sick each day in our town and in all the neighboring towns, how many of your kids are sick, how many days of school they are missing, how high the temperature is, how many hours have they been fever free. I'm not sure if it's a full blown panic yet, but when you have "face masks" on your shopping list, you know something's up.
Pretty much every family (with school age kids) that I know has been hit with either flu-like symptoms, strep throat or pneumonia. Sophie had a 4 day fever and whatever it was, it was definitely worse than any other fever she's ever had. I had a bad cold three weeks ago with a lingering cough (I thought from my asthma?) but honestly, I think it's now turned into pneumonia. I'm just waiting for a call back from my doctor's office now (another few numbers... how many times you call the doctor's office and get a busy signal, then once you get through, how many minutes you are on hold, and once you speak to someone, how many days before they can see you.)

So if I venture out at all, it will be to see a doctor. From what I've heard, they practically attack you in the parking lot with masks and hand sanitizer. I don't mind... but I carry my own now!
I'm not alone. In the past couple of weeks, I've seen people in masks all over town. If I feel self-conscious wearing a mask, I can just tell myself I'm practicing for Halloween. (Actually, I needed a costume, and was stressing that I didn't have one. Now I can just wear one of my medical masks!)

Knitters are so talented, that in the days and weeks to come, I fully expect to see personalized facemasks. Why can't we pull a few yards of yarn from our stash and whip up a little decorative cover (or two, or three?) for our face masks? Why walk around with a plain, common face mask when you can customize your own? I'm sure you have a bit of extra sock yarn in your stash, and we all know how slimming vertical stripes are:
If you think that's too mindless, grab a solid and throw in some cables: Practice your colorwork and make a fair isle one:
You know you have SOME novelty yarn left somewhere deep down in that stash. Make a fancy one:
I think the orange fur really brings out my eyes!? The sky's the limit. Just stay healthy!


  1. Ok, I am laughing pretty hard at these. H1N1 is no laughing matter...but, sadly, you look as though you're being held hostage...which, I suppose, H1N1 does if you get it. All my best to you and the family -- I'll visit once VT is in the clear :o)

  2. Marissa3:29 PM

    Feel better! But I love those hip masks. You're right, we can be sick but still look stylish, right?

  3. THANK YOU! I'm heading into my third week of dealing with sick kids, myself included, and this is just what I needed. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    That's really funny! I'm also dealing with sick children and it's so hard to keep a good attitude about this whole thing. I needed that laugh.

  5. Wow, Jill! Being under the weather certainly hasn't dampened your sense of humor! Or your creativity! What an inspiration you are. Just as soon as my stomach cramps ease from all of my laughing I'm heading for my stash. Hope you and your family heal well and quickly.

  6. This post definitely made me laugh... until I started to cough! Yep, I have IT. Well, not 100% sure it's H1N1, but given that it's started going around where I work, there was no hope of my escaping it... and actually, before I was sent home from work on Sunday night because of my symptoms, I was joking with one of my clients that we were going to start knitting flu masks in the knitting club that night! :-)
