Monday, September 28, 2009

Blanket Donation

Last night Shawn and I attended the VRRP documentary at Champlain College. The auditorium was packed, and before they started the film, Shawn got up and presented the blankets. They plan to use these blankets for some resettled folks who are sick, and spend more time in bed.

We put together some interesting specs that we thought we'd share with everyone:
  • We had over 80 people who knit and seamed squares
  • Each blanket represents at least 125-150 hours of work
  • People participated from 11 states and 2 countries

The documentary was incredible - I learned so much and I'm so glad I cut my weekend short to come back and see it. We stayed for the hour and a half discussion afterwards, and heard 7 refugees from 6 different countries stand up and talk about their experiences. It was sad, humbling, educational and funny all at the same time.

So again, GREAT JOB to everyone who participated. Now that we are all finished with this project, we're going to do our prize raffle. Stay tuned, we might just be contacting you with a little "thank you" of sorts!


  1. The blankets are just gorgeous. And the specs are so interesting. What a wonderful project! You have a lot to feel proud of, having put together this generous community. Good job!

  2. Tammy3:36 PM

    Really great job everyone. I think it was a good project and I look forward to participating in whateveer you come up with next.

  3. The blankets are beautiful and what a wonderful project. And there's my kid too!

  4. I hope you will send a photo and caption to your local newspaper, I'm sure Susan Reid at the Reporter would run something and possible even do a story on your effort. Very inspiring and you can encourage others to do the same.
    Steve Mease
    News Director at Champlain College

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    You did a great job getting that many squares. What a great feeling. Warm and fuzzy!
