Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I love knitting camp!

I had the pleasure of being a part of knitting camp here at the shop TWICE this summer and I loved every minute of it. When you are an instructor, you really have a chance to learn right along with everyone else because each new skill for someone else is explained in detail - sometimes in ways that you haven't thought of before. Besides any knitter can benefit from going back to some of the basics and practicing them BEFORE working a new project.

Our second camp session ended on Friday of last week and two of our campers came back into the shop on Saturday to pick up supplies for new projects! It was such a pleasure visiting with them. These
young knitters were so excited to work on new projects that I guess they just couldn't face the idea of no camp session on Saturday. (It is a bit much to ask everyone to go cold turkey from knitting camp!) Knitting Camp was a great experience for everyone involved and there were many people who helped get our first knitting camps planned and implemented. Thanks to everyone who assisted and most of all thanks to the young knitters who attended and made it all great fun. From fiber exploration to knitting, and felting to dying yarn,
we really covered a lot with these kids!

We hope to see everyone again in the future - we're already thinking about Knitting Camp level II for next summer, and possibly Knitting Camp for adults due to the excitement our Knitting Camp for young people caused. Guess I better start working on new and more difficult Knitting Jeapardy questions!

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