Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer has arrived

Summer is finally here, with temperatures yesterday in the 90s, high humidity and strong, strong storms. We've been having some severe storms this month - seems like once a week. The girls are out of school, and this Friday will both be having hernia surgeries. What's with my family and hernias? I'm not sure, but for two years now the medical deductible has been more than met. They are a little nervous about the surgeries, as am I... hard to have any child needing a surgery, but two of them, at the same time, well... it's causing a lump in my throat. I hope Friday comes and goes quickly and with ease. Then summer for them can truly begin.

They have known about this surgery for 6 months, and a few months ago we started talking about a little "prize" that they might receive after the surgery was over. Hey, I'm not above bribing them on certain things. Sophie (at age 7 1/2) still FREAKS out when we pull into the pediatician's office parking lot. She has a huge fear of doctors and their offices, so I've been dreading her reaction to this surgery for months now. You know how you check in for a surgery, and then it's hurry up and wait... you sit around in pre-op for what seems like an eternity. More time for her to freak out, I know. And when she freaks out, she works herself into SUCH a state. Not to mention how Marc and I feel. The good thing is that I found out we can get a little "kiddie" valium for her when we arrive. They said a lot of kids freak out like that, and so that makes me feel a little better, anyway.

Back to the prizes... Helen and Sophie both like American Girl Dolls. They each have one. They decided that they would each like another one as their prize. They have been pouring over the AGD catalogs for months now, telling me which doll they want, and which outfits and accessories they would like for future birthdays, Christmases, etc. So look what arrived here at the shop a week and a half ago? Meet Nicki and "blondie with earrings" (she doesn't have a name.) I also couldn't resist getting each one of them a wheelchair - perfect for the occasion, right? Sophie already has the crutches for her current doll, and she LOVES them. In fact, both Helen and Sophie want me to get them crutches at the medical supply store for their birthday this August! They are fascinated with crutches and wheelchairs, and the only happy face I have gotten out of Sophie regarding her upcoming surgery was when I told her she'd get to ride in a wheelchair after her surgery, on the way out to the car. She is not looking forward to the actual surgery, but the wheelchair ride? Well that's a different story.
And this whole AGD thing is leading to some new, small knitting projects for me. I have already made some sweaters and skirts for their existing dolls, but we recently got some new patterns, so I am going to start on coats for each of their new dolls. When I opened the shop 5 years ago, I had customers who came in looking for 18" doll patterns. I did not have any, and couldn't believe that anyone would be knitting clothes for dolls! Well, look at me now. The girls just love anything I make for the dolls, and since I cannot sew to save my life, I have had to invest in some patterns for dolls. So if any of you are looking for 18" doll patterns, we now have some!

I did finish two baby sweaters recently - a textured one in Rowan Handknit Cotton out of the Nashua Handknits Bloom booklet, which should be back in stock any day now...
and the Minnowknits Orangini Vest in Nashua Handknits Cilantro.
I will be home for the next few days with the girls, and am going to finally "finish" my rugs - the Whimsie and the Fish in a Line. I just need to sew some pockets onto the back, so I can hang them properly. Barb helped me with the surger today (again, sewing is not my forte) and I should be ready to go once I get home.

This Sunday is my parents' anniversary and I will give them the Iddy Biddy Rooster. I'm sad to see it go - I love it! But that just means I will have to start another one....

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